Episode 2: What to Expect from this Podcast

Find out more about your host and what you can expect from this podcast in this episode!

In this episode I am going to introduce myself a bit and then dig in a bit deeper into the purpose and structure of the show and what you can expect from it. I want to help you see the big picture view of this podcast because there are a lot of moving parts to it that can seem a bit disconnected on the surface, but I promise, by the end of this episode you will see just how interwoven they all are.

So, first things first, I’m Dr. Laura Froyen. I a mom to two girls, Ellie and Evie, who are 7 and almost 5 at the time of this recording. I have the distinct pleasure of being married to my best friend and true partner. We live in Madison, Wisconsin where we love spending time together outdoors in all weather, even in the winter. I have my PhD in Human Development and Family Studies with a specialization in Couple and Family Therapy and I am a complete nerd when it comes to child development, attachment theory, compassion-based mindfulness, and family systems research. I love taking the latest research in these areas and distilling them down so that they can be applied to everyday life as parents and partners.    

Topics on this podcast will range widely, from parenting, to romantic relationships and friendships, to family of origin issues, to nurturing and nourishing your self and identity and healing old wounds. I will be sharing my knowledge gained during my PhD course work and research, my work as a Couple and Family Therapist, and over 10 years of working with families to help them be more thoughtful, respectful parents. I will also be calling in experts in various fields related to conscious parenting, inner healing, authentic relationships, and vibrant living all with the goal of supporting you in the process of BALANCING. You see, if there is one thing I learned in both my academic research on family systems and in my work with families is that it is never JUST ONE THING that is getting in the way of being the conscious, connected parent and partner you’re longing to be. And by focusing just on parenting, or just on inner healing work, or just on conscious communication tools you are missing the bigger picture: That all of these things work in concert with each other and CAN’T be separated if want them to feel healthy, robust and balanced.

So here is the crucial point and this is what makes this podcast unique and different from any other podcast out there: Through this show I will be encouraging you to see that each and everyone of us are embedded in system of interrelated and connected individuals and relationships. The parent-child relationship in inextricably tied to and influenced by the partner relationship. Our own well-being effects the well-being of all of our intimate relationships. None of us and none of our relationships exist in a vaccuum, and if we really want to understand how one influences the other then we need a space to learn and discuss that takes all of these into consideration, that doesn’t isolate them. It is my hope that this show becomes your one-stop shop for conscious, balanced living.

So we will cover parenting tips, child development, limit setting, meltdowns, problem solving, conscious communication tools, attachment theory, mindfulness, healthy relationships, holding boundaries, mindset shifts and self compassion. And while they may seem disconnected at first, it is my hope that you will ultimately see how intertwined these topics all are. It is IMPOSSIBLE to discuss conscious, respectful parenting without first digging deep and coming to know ourselves on a deeper level and begin to heal old wounds. It is IMPOSSIBLE to seek deeper, more meaningful connections with our partners and loved ones without learning to set and hold healthy, compassionate boundaries. It is IMPOSSIBLE to talk about seeking more balance in our lives without zooming out and working to balance the system in which we are embedded as a whole. And while the perfectionist in me wants to compartmentalize and focus on one area, then the other, then the other, and check things off the list as done, it can’t work that way. We are never done, and these things aren’t silos that work independently of the other. Work in one area uncovers work to be done in another area, which reveals growth opportunities in yet another areas. 

Parenting. Identity. Relationships. Connection. Mindfulness. Compassion. Boundaries.

All of these things together are essential components of living a well-balanced life as a person, but especially as a parent. And that really, is what you can come to expect from this podcast. There will be times when we zoom in and focus on one area for a bit, but we will always situate those conversations within the larger framework so that you can see how it all fits together. Episodes will range in length, with some bite- sized pieces and action steps, and other deeper dives that you’ll want to pull out your journal and work through. I will be you guide, but I will also pull in experts in the field and, periodically, I will invite listeners to send in questions or join me for some on-air coaching. Some episodes will also be replays of live streams from Facebook that are just too packed with value to leave moldering away in my video archives. After these first two episodes you can skip around and listen to the topics that strike your fancy!