Bonus Episode: 5 Tips for Fulfilling Child-Led Play

These days will be completely dedicated for you to take intentional and decisive actions to achieve fulfilling child-led play.

​Play is important. If there is one thing you take away from this month we've dedicated to playing, it's that play MATTERS, to children, adults, & relationships. It's one of the powerful ways for our children to express themselves. And so, in this episode, I will be helping you learn what exactly child-led play is, why it's so important & how to let your child be the "director" in their play.

Here are tips that will help you achieve this goal.

1) Clear your schedule. Clear your mind. So that you can be fully present with them during play.

2) Have the right mindset. Your goal is to enjoy being with your child. You don't have to enjoy the play for you to enjoy the time spent with your kiddo.

3) Narrate through non-judgmental observation. Say what's going on gently and not come up with your own ideas.

4) Avoid correction. As long as nobody is getting hurt during your child's play, whatever your child is doing is okay.

5) Wait to be invited to the play. Once invited, allow your child to be the director.

I challenge you to do these tips and if you do, let me know how it went for you. Share your answers with me. Hit “comment” or shoot me a message on Instagram @laurafroyenphd